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Black eye under the eyes

Black eye under the eyes

Black eye under the eyes, especially when it's a little old, almost everyone is writing
Goes. In that sense it is a common problem. This is about the age group. Again
Ink due to lack of sleep, stomach rheumatism, fatigue etc due to laziness. This problem is more difficult due to insomnia. Again, too much work, night-time, work of study, anxiety etc., also saw the ink under the eyes.


In this situation, consult a doctor. As well as some decoration can also be done. But remember that the skin around the eye is very weak and soft. So there is the decoration that is used for cremation, lotionsEtc. should be selected in advance. Before going to sleep, you need to put a soft jelly around the eye. Apply wet cotton. Then you can put the cream on the corners. In this case, the nut cream works very well. It also helps to clean the color. It also has skin scraps. Clean the creams with cotton after ten minutes.
Already said to keep the long sleeves around the eyes of the creams.
You can put a lid of chinagrass. So that water is not too thick can be easily washed with. In this case, for skin clutches and softness china grass are very profitable ..

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