Rough hair
Rough hair
If the hair is crispy then shampoo should not be used.
You have to select shampoo which will nourish your hair with strength.
Shampoo is usually nanolin or vaseline for rough hair
To make it is mixed. # Egg shampoo is more commonly used in this type of hair.
Dry hair is faded, dust-dust It does not have any surprises, no
There are brightness, hair follicle scabies. Hair does not grow upright, it explodes.
Eggs, lenailine or vaseline are needed for nutrients of these types of hair.
Suitable hair conditioners are also lured. Conditioner hair should be washed properly.
Also hot oil in rough hair give strength
Hair can protect from rage. In this case olive oil can also be used.
Before Massaging the Hot Oil
Even if you give a hot flap of hair, it is beneficial.
It can be done in two ways- (a) Tawal soaked in hot water,
Head can be wrapped. (B) Put a vessel in hot water, it can be placed in the head for a little while. In it, the follicle opens. After that, massaging the hot oil results in a lot more weight. Lightweight olive oil is very fruitful.
To set dry hair light coconut or sesame oil
Massage your hair properly with your fingers.
Slowly slowly, after that in fast.
The hair follicles should be massaged until the oil goes out properly.
Wash the hair with shikakai after massage bell twice. Take a cup of sikakai and mix it with two cups of water.
Now it's cool, take extract of sikakai in hand. Use this shikakai with soap or shampoo.
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