Increase the beauty of the skin
Increase the beauty of the skin
About 16 tablespoons or 60 grams of basin and half-spoon powder slightly in the form of turmeric darken with raw milk or water and deepen them with a dark spoon. In it 2 tablespoons or 8-10 gram turmeric oil (sesame oil can also run) Stick with.
When the mixture becomes dark paste or plated, beat the face, arm, hand, leg, elbows, etc., on the beat. When they are dry after 5-10 minutes of coating, keep on hand or wrinkle. The rubbish of the dirt of the body will come in the pancana. Take a bath in this hot hot water. After bath, clean it with a towel or toilet. The skin will be clean and it will be slim in silence according to Ration. Brightness also increases. Moreover The bladder's face, face streak, black streak And the black hole below the eye will show off the fair.
It leaves the unwanted lame of the face.
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